Mild Hypnotic, Sedative, Narcotic,
Pain Reliever, Aphrodisiac, Stimulant
Common Names: Bitter Lettuce, Great Lettuce, Lactucarium, Laitue Vireuse, Opium Lettuce, Poisonous Lettuce,
Wild Lettuce, Acrid Lettuce, German Lactucarium, Green Endive,
Lettuce Opium, Poison Lettuce, Strong-Scented Lettuce.
Lactuca virosa is biennial,
similar to prickly lettuce Lactuca
serriola but
taller - it can grow to 200 cm (80 inches or almost 7 feet). It is also
stouter, the stem and leaves are more purple flushed,] the leaves are less divided, but more
The achene is
purple black, without bristles at the tip. The pappus is
the same as Lactuca serriola.
Generally an annual,
although an occasional biennial, wild lettuce grows to a maximum height of six
feet and has a pale green central stalk that is sometimes spotted with purple.
The erect stem, springing from a brown tap-root, is smooth and pale green,
sometimes spotted with purple. There are a few prickles on the lower part and
short horizontal branches above. The numerous, large, radical leaves are from 6
to 18 inches long, entire, and obovate-oblong. The stem leaves are scanty,
alternate, and small, clasping the stem with two small lobes. The heads are
numerous and shortly-stalked, and the pale-yellow corolla are strap-shaped. The
rough, black fruit is oval, with a broad wing along the edge, and prolonged
above into a long, white beak carrying silvery tufts of hair. The whole plant
is rich in a milky latex that flows freely from any laceration. This latex has
a bitter taste and a narcotic odour. When dry, it hardens, turns brown, and is
known as lactucarium (Ratsch 1998, 312).
lettuce grows best in loosely packed, well-drained soil and blooms during July
and August. It is cultivated in Austria, France, Germany and Scotland, and
grows wild in many parts of southern and central Europe. It may also be found
all across the southern states of North America. It is propagated by
scattering the seeds over the ground in spring (Ratsch 1998, 312).
virosa is often confused with Lactusa serriola, as the two plants may appear
very similar. When bruised, however, Lactusa virosa exhibits a smell very
similar to that of opium poppy. Furthermore, fresh Lactusa virosa achenes
are very purple or maroon in color (Ratsch 1998, 312).
TRADITIONAL USES: Commonly known as Wild Lettuce or
Opium Lettuce, Lactuca virosa is believed to have been used for its
psychoactive properties by ancient Egyptians based on its depiction in
hieroglyphics.It often appears in Egyptian art associated with the god Min, the
god of the desert and of lightening and sandstorms. He is also known as
the god of procreation and fertility. Min was symbolically represented by the
lettuce and the phallus. The Egyptians held a festival in Min’s honor as a
harvest celebration during the first month of summer, when a statue of Min
would be carried aloft on a bed of lettuce in a scared ritual procession
(Harlan 1986).
ancient Egyptians purportedly possessed a book of love agents that contained
recipes for aphrodisiacs, many of which may have been prepared made with the
lactucarium of wild lettuce. The book is long lost, and can only be found in
references in ancient texts; therefore the Egyptian’s recipes for aphrodisiacs
based upon lettuce are unknown today. Conversely, the ancient Greeks believed
that wild lettuce promoted the menses cycle, as well as decreased the libido
and inhibited coitus (Harlan 1986).
Emperor Augustus, the first emperor of the Roman Empire, attributed his
recovery from a dangerous illness to wild lettuce. He even built an altar to it
and erected a statue in its honor. Dioscorides, the famed physician,
pharmacologist and botanist of ancient Greece who authored the pioneering five
volume tome “De Materia Medica” – the precursor to all modern pharmacopeias –
described wild lettuce as having effects similar to that of Papaver somniferum, the opium poppy. He sited this as the
reason the lactucarium, or juice, of wild lettuce would be added to opium
latex, for it was known to possess the properties of an effective pain reliever
and sedative sleeping aid (Ratsch 1998, 312).
has been hypothesized that wild lettuce was the “twelve gods’ herb” that Pliny
the Elder, a well-known author, naturalist and philosopher of ancient Rome,
praised as a panacea. The Arabic physician Avicenna, who was responsible for
establishing the use of opium in Islamic medicine, noted that the juice pressed
from wild lettuce seeds provided a sedative effect. Hildegard von Bingen – a
highly respected, visionary author of the twelfth century who wrote pioneering
texts on the curative powers of natural objects for healing and the medicinal
uses of plants, animals, trees and stones – helped to establish the
psychoactive reputation of wild lettuce in her writings (Ratsch 1998, 311).
TRADITIONAL PREPARATION: The sap of wild lettuce is extracted
by cutting the tops of the plant and then squeezing and scraping the latex
repeatedly into ceramic vessels until it the supply is exhausted. The resulting
resin may be released from the vessel by slightly warming it and tapping the
bottom. The latex is then cut into quarters and dried. The dried latex may be
dissolved in alcohol or smoked as pure resin or in a smoking blend together
with herbs such as Cannabis or thorn apple (Miller
the United States from Germany via England, wild lettuce is reportedly used as
an adulterant for opium, much like what Dioscorides wrote about thousands of
years ago. This adulterated form of opium is usually distributed in an
irregular, reddish-brown mass the size of a large pea, which is frequently
moldy on the outside. In the United States, the German and French wild lettuce
lactucarium is considered inferior to the British product. Pure wild lettuce
extract is also used by many as a substitute for opium (Voogelbreinder
2009, 210).
is not easily powdered, and is only slightly soluble in boiling water, though
it does soften and become flexible. Lactucarium prepared with boiling water and
then filtered is clear, but upon cooling, the filtrate becomes turbid.
Hopi smoke the dried resin, or sap, obtained from the plant. The flower is cut
off and the sap that runs from the stem is collected. Each day, for a few
weeks, another bit is cut from the stem and more sap is collected. This sap is
then air-dried and smoked in ritual. (Similar effects are achieved with the
dried leaves). The Hopi believe that induced dream states contain more
information about reality than the conscious waking state. Wild lettuce is said
to enhance the vividness of dreams when smoked prior to sleep (Miller 1985).
modern method used to take wild lettuce is to dry the leaves and roots and
smoke them. Yet another technique is to heat, not boil, the leaves in water for
at least eight hours and then remove the liquid. The lactucarine (active
chemical) leaches into the water solution. Once the water has evaporated, the
result is a black gum that is often smoked. This resin must be sealed in
plastic to prevent it from drying out. An effective dose is generally about one
ounce of dried wild lettuce leaves or approximately one-half gram of the
extract per person.
MEDICINAL USES: In homeopathy, Lactuca virosa is said
to affect the brain and circulation. It is said to cause impotence, feelings of
lightness and tightness in the chest, cold and tremors. It has sedative,
cough-suppressant, and analgesic effects, and has been used as a sleep aid. All
species of lettuce contain some quantity of narcotic alkaloids; Lactuca virosa
has the most, followed by Lactuca scariola, or Prickly Lettuce, Lactuca
altissima, Lactuca Canadensis, or Wild Lettuce of America, and Lactuca sativa,
or Garden Lettuce. Cultivation has lessened the narcotic properties of the
latter, although it is still used for making a dermatological lotion useful in
treating sunburn and alleviating roughness (Brown & Malone 1978). The
Ancients held wild lettuce in high esteem for its cooling and refreshing
properties, and made from it a decoction taken to relieve the pain from
scorpion stings and spider bites.
TRADITIONAL EFFECTS: Lactuca virosa has been found to
contain lactucic acid, lactucopicrin, 50 to 60 per cent lactucerin (lactucone)
and lactucin. The effects of smoking L. virosa have been compared to those of Atropa belladonna, kava and opium. Reported effects include languid dream states and
aphrodisiac highs. The sedative effects are said to be due to the sesquiterpene
lactones found in the latex. Wild lettuce is also very useful in entering
meditative trance states, and is a powerful tool for dream enhancement if
smoked just before going to sleep (Miller 1985).
Method of Use: Smoke, Drink in Alcohol etc.
Drug Eff ects: When
the plant is cut or wounded, it releases
white latex called Lactucarium. The latex can be collected
allowed to dry. Dried latex can be smoked by itself or
with other herbs. It can also be mixed with alcohol
consumed as a liquid.
Short Term Eff ects: Euphoric
cerebral sensation, induce sleep, relaxes cns, mild sedative eff ect similar
opium, mild, short lasting psychoactive, promotes sexual desire.
Long Term Eff ects: Anaphrodisiac,
anodyne, antispasmodic, diuretic, nervine, tonic.
Negative/Overdose Risk: Can
cause allergic reactions, irritates the skin, large quantities may be toxic, poisonous.
Dependency: It
is not addictive, though large doses are toxic.
Withdrawal: None.
Active Constituents: Beta-Amyrin,
Camphor, Cichoriin, Citric-Acid, Coumarin, Essential Oil, Hyoscyamine, Lactucarium,
Lactucerin, Lactucerols, Lactucic-Acid, Lactucin, Lactupicrin, Mannitol,
N-Methyl-B-Phenethylamine, Oxalic-Acid, Quercitin, Taraxasterol, Tocopherol.
Contraindications / Interactions: Excessive use, especially during lactation and pregnancy,
should be avoided. Do not use if have prostate enlargement, glaucoma, scheduled
for surgery in next two weeks. Interacts with CNS Depressants.
Psychoactive Ingredient In: Algerian
Blend, Blueberry Haze, Marijuana Substitute, Opium Substitute, Smoking Blends,
Soporofi c Sponge, So-Called Witches Ointments.
J.K., and M.H. Malone. “‘Legal Highs’ – Constituents, Activity, Toxicology, and
Herbal Folklore.” Clinical Toxicology 12, no. 1 (1978): 1–31.
Harlan, J.R. “Lettuce and
the Sycamore: Sex and Romance in Ancient Egypt.” Economic Botany 40, no. 1
(1986): 4–15.
Miller, R.A. The Magical
and Ritual Use of Aphrodisiacs. New York: Destiny Books, 1985.
Ratsch, Christian., The
Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and its Applications.
Rochester: Park Street Press, 1998.
Voogelbreinder, Snu, Garden
of Eden: The Shamanic Use of Psychoactive Flora and Fauna, and the Study of
Consciousness. Snu Voogelbreinder, 2009.
Sinead O’Mahony Carey
; Psychoactives Substances.
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